I realized how simple using Tumblr is to save things that catch my attention whilst surfing the web. So, feel free to check out my accounts. It just makes it very easy to have much more content as it is much less time consuming.
http://wedstuff.tumblr.com/ (wedding ideas)
http://prettyonpaper.tumblr.com/ (paper/graphic design/ideas for graphic design)
http://desdec.tumblr.com/ (design/decor)
http://thatlooksnice.tumblr.com/ (fashion/style/photography/misc things that look nice)
I will post here if I have any further plans. Also I may or may not use Polyvore more..
http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/profile?id=467473 and I am always fairly active on Kaboodle http://www.kaboodle.com/aannggiiee
So.. there you will find some of the things I find. : )